Sylwester Latkowski, TWG & PEG Leaders
Sylwester Latkowski is an Education/Research Officer at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research activities have included mode-locked semiconductor lasers, semiconductor optical amplifiers, millimeter and terahertz wave generation, all-optical data treatment, short optical pluses and optical coherent comb generation. He was part of an assembly and installation team of DUV lithography tools at Intel Corporation in Leixlip, Ireland, and later worked on product development for Pilot Photonics, a Dublin-based start-up.
Since 2011 Dr. Latkowski has been affiliated with thePhotonic Integration group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and, since 2015, the Photonic Integration Technology Center (PITC) in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. He covers research and development of photonic integration technologies and on-chip laser systems for sensing applications, standardization and automation of test, assembly and packaging processes for production of photonic integrated circuits.
He actively contributes to technology roadmaps for integrated photonics (IPSR-I in the U.S. and WTMF in Europe). He is a senior member of IEEE and IEEE Photonics Society.
Dr. Latkowski obtained M.Sc. Eng. degrees in optoelectronics and technical physics from West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland, and got his Ph.D from the School of Electronic Engineering in Dublin City University, Ireland.