Roadmap Webinar Series: Board Level Optical Interconnect

Thursday, October 20, 2016 - 3:30pm
3:30-4:30 EDT



Photonic solutions have been deployed within the interconnection hierarchy in telecommunication networks, in computing systems, and now at the board/backplane level in distributed data center architectures. An industrial consortium is being organized to evaluate systems specifications and scalable hardware solutions to support high-volume production of on-board interconnection.
Pervasive deployment of mid-board optical interconnect can potentially solve face place bandwidth density and energy/bit challenges, and support highly parallel architectures by elimination of the backplane. This presentation introduces the challenges of manufacturing hardware solutions at a competitive cost point. The drives is a single mode, expanded-beam module to be prototyped over the next 18 months. The applications are mid-board transceiver modules, 10 ports, disaggregated servers. The project is designed to determine manufacturability and scalable cost reduction.


Terry Smith, 3M (top)
John MacWilliams, US Competitors


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For Assistance

Julie Diop, MIT


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11/17 Key Challenges Identified by the Integrated Photonic Systems Roadmap, Lionel C. Kimerling, MIT